Becoming Licensed in Wyoming
All teachers and administrators employed in a Wyoming school district must be licensed in accordance with Wyoming state law. PTSB upholds the highest standards for teacher licensing and requires all educators to have completed an approved teacher preparation program in order to become licensed to teach in a Wyoming school district. There are two routes to teacher licensure in Wyoming.
The traditional route to teacher licensure in Wyoming requires the completion of a teacher preparation program from a regionally or nationally accredited institution of higher education. Teacher preparation programs are typically offered through the College of Education at most colleges or universities. The program must include student teaching and lead to a degree in Education in a specific endorsement area or areas. The program must also lead to an Institutional Recommendation for Licensure.
Applicants who have graduated from a regionally or nationally accredited college or university with a bachelors degree or higher in education are eligible for licensure via the traditional route.
Please review the following required elements of the licensure process:
Requirements for In-State Program completion applicants
- Completion of an approved Educator Preparation Program
- Program must be from an accredited college or university
- Program must include student teaching and lead to an Institutional Recommendation (IR) for licensure
- Official transcripts documenting the completion of a teacher preparation program
- Submission of two (2) blue FBI Fingerprint Cards including a background check
- Knowledge of the U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions
- Teacher Testing Requirements
- Submission of a complete application packet
Requirements for Out-of-State Program completion applicants
- Completion of an approved Educator Preparation Program
- Program must be from an accredited college or university
- Program must include student teaching and lead to an Institutional Recommendation (IR) for licensure
- Note: In order for applicants to obtain an Institutional Recommendation form they must be eligible for licensure in the state in which the college or university is located.
- Applicants do not have to obtain licensure in that state; however, they must be eligible for licensure. In some states, individuals may be required to complete testing for licensure in that state (i.e. applicants who have/will complete an Arizona program must complete the Arizona testing requirements and will not need to complete the Praxis exams required for Wyoming for initial licensure.)
- Official transcripts documenting the completion of a teacher preparation program
- Submission of two (2) blue FBI Fingerprint Cards including a background check
- Knowledge of the U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions
- Teacher Testing Requirements
- Submission of a complete application packet
If you obtain a license in another state through a non-traditional route or alternative method, you may be eligible for licensure in Wyoming if you have taught 3 out of the last 6 years in the state where you are fully licensed.
- Verification of full time teaching, administrative or other school experience for up to or including the past 10 years signed by the respective school administrators. Please note: Student teaching is not accepted as experience.
- A copy of the applicant’s current, valid Teaching Certificate or License from his or her state.
- A copy of the applicant’s test scores from PRAXIS II exam(s) as may be required in Wyoming or an equivalent exam from his or her state. Please review the testing requirements
- Submission of two (2) blue FBI Fingerprint Cards which includes a background check.
- Knowledge of the U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions
- Submission of a complete application packet
If you do not meet the requirements listed above for work history, you may be eligible under a procedure used for extenuating circumstances called an Exception Authorization. Please review the specific information pertaining to Exception Authorizations.
If you are considering completing an out-of-state alternative licensing program, PTSB strongly encourages you to research the programs thoroughly prior to enrolling to determine if the program will be accepted by PTSB and lead to licensure in Wyoming.