PTSB is excited to announce that we are moving to an online licensure system soon!
Important Information. The following items are currently unavailable on our website:
- All applications. PTSB has removed all links to our PDF applications.
- Professional development requests forms. PTSB has removed all links to our PDF forms.
- PTSB’s Online Renewal System.
- PTSB’s Web App (Educator, District, and Workshop Facilitator Access).
- U.S. and Wyoming Constitution exams. PTSB will no longer send you the exams if requested via email. Please wait until our new system is live, as these exams will be available online as part of the application process.
If you have applications or professional development requests awaiting submission, please hold on to all your application materials and any additional documents until our new online licensure system goes live so you can submit your application to PTSB using our online licensure portal.
Any applications or professional development requests PTSB received prior to February 7th are on hold until our new system goes live. Please note that this will not change the date of your application. To avoid further delays, please make sure you’ve made your payment and submitted any other missing requirements so that we can continue processing your application once we are in the new licensure system. Applications will be processed in date order from oldest to newest.
As a reminder, PTSB will announce when the new system is live on our website. Please be sure to check often for the announcement so that you can submit your application to us for processing.
PTSB staff thanks you for your patience and understanding during this transition period.
We look forward to working with you!
Professional Development
Professional Development Workshops are held to further develop educators’ skills, knowledge and strategies that will subsequently enable all students in Wyoming School Districts to meet or exceed Wyoming Education Standards. The professional staff will gear the material from the workshops toward improving the quality of teacher instruction methods and student achievement. Ultimately, the goal of each workshop is the enhancement of student learning and development.