Wyoming School District Administrators
Educators can now renew their license online.
If a teacher has not received his or her license prior to the school year – but has received a verification through the PTSB web site stating that PTSB has received an application, please know this verification is sufficient documentation for the district to pay that teacher as a licensed teacher. Online verification is evidence that an applicant is a “candidate” for a license or permit.
If you have a late hire that is unable to assemble all documentation for a complete application packet, he or she must submit a District Late Hire Documentation Verification Form. If this form is not included, the application will be considered incomplete and will be returned to the applicant unprocessed (and no green card will be issued).
For Coaching applicants, PTSB will accept an original signed letter of verification in place of 1st Aid/CPR Card(s). The original signed letter must include: beginning and end dates of the course(s), instructor’s contact information and expiration date(s) of the 1st Aid/CPR certification(s).
PTSB provides information access capabilities to districts. The district login allows districts to check the status of teacher applications and credentials, verify Highly Qualified status, review expiration dates, verify renewal/workshop credit(s), check on licensure validity dates, and view certain other aspects of applicant records.
District Upload Instructions – directions for group uploads of credential information
PTSB has provided a reference guide for matching endorsements to assignments. For more information, please review the Reference Guide to Endorsement – Assignment Matches.