Fingerprinting and Background Checks
What does the background check consist of?
Upon submission of the fingerprint cards to PTSB, they are forwarded to the Wyoming Department of Criminal Investigation (DCI) for processing. Once the DCI processing is completed, a report is returned to PTSB. If any negative information is returned, then the application packet is forwarded to the Executive Director for review and a final determination. PTSB strongly urges all applicants to be completely forthcoming on their application and to submit any supporting documentation for any items which will be flagged by DCI. Click here for helpful information regarding this matter and the submission of the application.
To request a Wyoming Fingerprint Packet, please send an email to with your Name, Phone Number and Mailing Address with the subject heading FINGERPRINT CARD REQUEST.
Click here for the Noncriminal Justice Applicant’s Privacy Rights
Common Fingerprinting Questions
Please contact your local school district for a recommendation on where to be fingerprinted within your community.
Yes, effective July 1, 2011, PTSB will no longer be accepting district letters in lieu of submitting the completed fingerprint cards and fee.
You will have to be re-fingerprinted, PTSB cannot grant exceptions. Unless you hold a current, valid Wyoming Educator License or Permit, you will need to be re-fingerprinted.
Your fingerprint record will be on file at PTSB, and you will not need re-fingerprinting.
You will have to be re-fingerprinted for Wyoming per state statute. PTSB cannot accept background reports from other agencies. This applies whether you were fingerprinted five years ago or five days ago. PTSB is unable to grant exceptions.
Please complete the following highlighted areas on both of the blue FBI fingerprint cards.

- Applicant Signature and Residence
- Last Name, First Name, Middle Name (top of card), Aliases (if applicable), Social Security Number
- Sex, Race, Height, Weight, Eyes, Hair, Place of Birth (State), Date of Birth

Date and signature of official taking the fingerprints

Employer and Address AND Reason Fingerprinted